Stage and theatre shoots

For shows I like to capture striking live images in the tech rehearsal, and make up a promotional image of the cast for media launches.

To promote the best of the show I choose the big moments as of physical comedy or performance as the key moments.

Joanna Weinberg is a talented performer director and singer. I have taken photos for several productions.

This show played in the iconic Garrison church in The Rocks, is a massive production for her with costumes cast and location showcasing the skills of her

and the cast. A lyrical, song walk through the history of the location, really using the space to engage the audience.

A really fun show, and very engaging.

To shoot, this show, I used three Sony bodies.

Sony A7R4-Lens with lenses mostly being 

50 F1.2 Body A

24 F1.4 Body B

16-35 F2.8/135 F1.8 85F1.4 


The group shot of 20 plus cast, with the new huge Godox 150cm softbox, via the QT600 flash(I love that fast recycle for talent shoots) on the right of the camera, below the Pulput, with an AD400 above the camera, modified via a 90cm softbox modifier on an AD400 remote head.

I wanted dramatic side light with enough fill to see all the faces, I shot vertically with the 16-35 @ F5.6 on a tripod at 1/5th of a second to burn in the LED lights illuminating 

the rear of the stage.

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